The drama over late civil rights leader Rosa Parks' estate continues as the judge who is accused of misconduct in handling the probate has stated that he will not step aside.
Steven G. Cohen, the attorney that represents the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute accuses the Wayne County Judge, Freddie Burton Jr., of conspiring with two other attorneys to put the Rosa Parks estate into debt. Burton vehemently denies these allegations citing them as 'malicious' and 'insulting'.
Parks left all of her estate to the institute when she died, but her nieces and nephews challenged the estate. When they did this, Burton appointed two lawyers as fiduciaries. However, The Michigan Supreme Court reversed this decision.
Cohen is seeking to have the chief justice of the probate court render Burton as disqualified.
For more information on the probate process please consult with a professional estate litigation Attorney.
*This blog entry was not written by an Attorney and should not be constituted as professional legal advice.