Probate Timeline in California
Turn to Our Firm with Your Questions & Concerns
Understandably confusing to many people, understanding the probate timeline is essential to understanding exactly how and when an estate will be distributed. Probate is similar to a puzzle, in that there are numerous pieces that have to be put together correctly in order for it to end successfully. The timeline is another significant piece to the puzzle.
As our Los Angeles probate attorney can explain in greater depth, the probate timeline defines the various aspects that make up a probate proceeding. Probate is a multi-faceted procedure and often very lengthy. Our firm has numerous years of experience and can help you determine the best approach to handling your loved one's assets.
Understanding Probate & What Is Involved
You should first note that an individual's estate is not always required to go through probate. Because probate can often be time-consuming and costly, it can be beneficial to avoid it altogether. Creating a trust is one of the best ways to do so, as trust administration is similar to probate, but controlled by the deceased's wishes.
The probate timeline involves numerous aspects:
- Filing the will
- Gathering the deceased person's assets
- Applying for a taxpayer ID number
- Paying any remaining bills and taxes
- Distributing the remaining estate assets to inheritors
Before an individual passes away, they typically name an individual in their will to be an estate executor or administrator. It is this person's job to do all of the above tasks and any others that arise as a result of the probate process.
Probate usually lasts at least six months and sometimes up to one year. The more detailed the will, the simpler the process will typically be.
Want to know more? Retain our Los Angeles probate lawyer!
When it's all laid out, the probate timeline can appear incredibly intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. The Law Offices of David A. Shapiro can meet your needs and represent you in whatever capacity you require.
Scheduling your confidential case evaluation will help our firm determine the most effective way to assist you. Get in touch with us today – we'd love to speak with you!